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Gerson Therapy and Coffee Colema

Here at New Leaf Detox Resort in Thailand, we often get questions about the benefits of the coffee colema. Sometimes known as a coffee enema and its an affiliation with Gerson Therapy. To help current, past and future guests of New Leaf Detox Resort, we would like to take the time to explain the benefits coffee colema further and why we have specifically chosen to include it in our detox programs.

What is Gerson Therapy?

Gerson Therapy is a natural, holistic treatment that Dr Max Gerson developed in the 1930s.
Colema Board Setup

Initially, he procured this treatment to help him manage his migraines. From there, he perfected the therapy so that people with degenerative illnesses like cancer, tuberculosis and diabetes could take advantage of it. Through daily juicing, raw foods, lightly cooked vegetables, coffee colemas and supplements, Gerson Therapy activates the body’s ability to heal itself.

Gerson therapy takes a whole body and mind healing approach and reactivates the body’s ability to heal itself. This is always there but is usually blocked or hindered because of unhealthy habits and poor dietary choices. Over time, and with no damaging side effects, the body boosts the immune system. From there, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and allergies can start to reverse and heal.

Colema Bottle

Why Coffee Colemas?

The liver is a primary organ that sifts and flushes toxins out of the body. During any juice detox, the body starts to rebuild the immune system and regenerate cells. At this time, toxins are released into the bloodstream, which places stress on the liver. Upon this sudden influx, the liver can go into overdrive and hold an excessive amount of serum toxins. The coffee colema will increase the filtering in the liver and help this vital organ release this toxic buildup.

When coffee is introduced into the colon, it stimulates the visceral nervous system.

It promotes peristalsis and the removal of diluted toxic bile from the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine). Acting as a form of “dialysis of blood across the gut wall”. This stimulation can last 12 minutes or as long as the coffee is held. It is occurring because every 3 minutes, the blood passes through the liver and cleanses the organ each time.

Why is Coffee Used?

Dr Gerson found numerous positive effects of coffee colemas during juice fasting. By introducing specialized detox coffee into the colon, a person fasting will receive the following physiological effects:

  • The body’s blood and bile will become diluted.
  • Major compounds in the coffee will dilate the blood vessels and decrease inflammation in the gut. The coffee will also enhance glutathione S-transferase that will then begin to remove toxins from the blood serum.
  • The reduction in blood serum toxins will eliminate any challenges in the body to repair overly damaged healthy cells (i.e. macromolecules).
  • The potassium cell count will improve while reducing high sodium levels.
  • The swelling of the cells will decrease by improving water structuring.
  • A healthy, vital cell mitochondria count will multiply.
  • Micronutrients are supplied to cells for energy production and damage repair.


That said, the coffee colema is vital to Gerson Therapy and any detox program. For anyone trying to cope with or overcome an acute or chronic issue, including degenerative disease, the low blood serum toxin levels resulting from the coffee colema will be beneficial. Moreover, it is necessary, and by doing so, the integrity of the cell tissue will become stronger. The blood circulation will be better; immunity boosted, tissues will be repaired and regenerated. These, albeit impressive results, have been witnessed by professionals and observed in clinical settings.

Colonics Offer an Alternative at New Leaf Detox Wellness Resort

It may be necessary for the guests, especially first-time detoxer, to do a colonic at the start of their visit. Our trained medical staff guide you through the process and stay with you through the whole one-hour session. Our Staff Nurse can massage and feel your lower stomach during the session and gauge how many coffee solutions might be needed. 

Colonic irrigation or colon hydrotherapy, as it is also known as can produce a very deep cleanse. We recommend this to guests who feel they have had challenges with their digestive and bowel movements. 

Colonic Machine

A colonic is used to cleanse the bowel of a waste buildup, and obstructions do within. At the same time, coffee colemas are correctly applied to increase detoxification capacity in the liver. Moreover, specific compounds in the coffee will aid in dilating the bile ducts, thereby increasing the flow of the bile. After which, peristalsis, or muscle contractions, will expand and help to empty the bowel.

New Leaf Detox Resort provides you with a unique probiotic to ensure you will have been growing a healthy garden of flora in your gut.

Visit our Colonic page here and book your today. Colonics are available to day detox guests and visitors. Appointments can be booked here.

If you would like more information about wellness and our detox, weight loss packages please contact us or visit the wellness programs page.

Gerson Therapy and Coffee Colema