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5 Steps to Detox Success

  1. Preparation
  2. Realistic Expectations
  3. Be Open-Minded
  4. Stay Focused During Your Detox
  5. Plan for Success – Going Home

How is Success Measured?

Before we get started I want to clarify what ‘success’ means when we use it in context to this post.  Success is your reasonable expectation from a detox visit that corresponds with the length of time you visit the resort.  Basically, if you want to lose 10kg (22lbs) success would be more like a two-week visit not a one week visit.  We’ll discuss this in more detail in Step 2 -Realistic Expectations.

A positive approach to detox can help you get the best results from your detox visit.

Many people suffer from poor self-image and low self-esteem throughout their lives. Poor self-image doesn’t happen overnight and, in many cases, is learnt behaviour from parents or close family friends, teachers, coaches and peers.

Over time some of these images turn into beliefs and then shape our attitudes towards the world. These beliefs and attitudes get regularly reinforced by all forms of media, often to the point where some of us believe, on some level, we can’t change.

The fact is we can change anything.

Drinking green juice poolside

It takes time, focus and the correct information. Many deep-seated belief systems won’t change with detox, but your attitude towards feeling and thinking about yourself can. It’s a great start and can give you the confidence to identify and tackle any more significant issues you might have. The New Leaf Wellness Podcast is an excellent start to understanding body detox if you haven’t tried it before.

This article isn’t going to discuss motivation as there is a lot of good information online. What we want to consider here is our approach and preparation for change. Get excited! It’s exciting; you have decided to change and get healthier, address some of the issues you have been thinking about, possibly for years. Think big while you take that first step and prepare for a successful detox vacation.

For the sake of this post, when we use the term ‘detox,’ we’re referring to the New Leaf Detox Wellness approach. A New Leaf detox loads the body with nutrition through fresh fruit and vegetable juices, soups and smoothies, superfood and detox supplements. Movement is encouraged with light exercise, yoga and Gerson Therapy daily coffee colema. We believe this to be one of the most effective ways for sustained weight loss, fitness and energy. Our attitude toward an upcoming detox can be vital to the outcome of the results.

Here are five things essential to detox success:

1. Preparation

When thinking about preparation, we think about what to eat before we arrive. However, preparing your mind is just as important, if not more important. Getting your life in order at home before you leave and making your stay stress free is another essential ingredient to a successful detox stay.

Many guests arrive with their digital devices and get straight to video conferencing and working. While we understand life doesn’t stop when you detox, disconnecting for more extended periods of the day can significantly benefit the outcome of your stay.

Let people know you are going away, set up auto-responders for your emails. Whenever I get an auto-responder from someone I’m trying to email, I immediately lower my expectations of an immediate answer from them, knowing they are on vacation. This also takes any pressure off you to answer everything in real-time.

Weight Loss Resort Thailand

Relax with this. It’s your time out to focus on yourself and getting the result. A relaxed body will release more toxins and generate better detox weight loss results.

Preparing your body can guarantee the best start to any detox fasting effort. Cutting out all dairy and fatty, oily foods and cutting down on wheat and grain foods and sugars five days before arrival will make the transition to a liquid detox diet almost seamless. “Eat Light on the Flight” is what we say.

2. Realistic Expectation

We all hear, read and see huge weight loss numbers and incredible health results from different programs and resorts worldwide. We, too, claim excellent results, however, the dedicated guests giving it 100% reaped the rewards. Remember, a visit to a good detox weight loss wellness resort like New Leaf is a snapshot in your life but can make a lifelong lasting impact. There are many factors that will determine how successful your detox weight loss results but a ‘positive attitude is a great start. 

Here is a list of some of the contributing factors to the speed we lose stored body fat:

  1. Your Age: The older we get, the slower the weight loss.
  2. Your Current Weight: How much overweight are you?
  3. Your Sex: Women and men lose stored fat at a different rate.
  4. How Long have you been overweight?
  5. Are you active: Do you exercise?
  6. Where you live: Environment matters (colder climates can be less active)
  7. Are you fully mobile? Are you carrying an injury?
  8. Are you on Medication? A lot of medications can slow the metabolism and create fluid retention.

Many other factors influence weight loss and toxin disposal. Most importantly being positive and remember, when you see other guests get ‘bigger results, faster’ be happy for them. Your results will come. We are all different.

Have realistic expectations. Speak with our staff at New Leaf, and they’ll be honest with you about what you can achieve. Of course, your effort during your stay can significantly impact your results. New Leaf is one of the few detox resorts globally, with a volume of activities on offer. We believe it is essential in the detoxing process to lose the excess body fat that you are tightening up your body and toning your muscle groups with light exercise.  Additional Personal Training sessions, boxing and other cardio, can increase and sustain your metabolic rate allowing your body to burn more fat. However, we recommend you discuss this with staff to show you how to manage your energy as burnout and injury can occur.

Wellness guest at weight loss retreat thailand

'Being open to the Program is Essential to Success'

3. Be Open Minded

There is so much misinformation on the Internet about every subject known to man and plenty on detox, fasting, weight loss and fitness. Many guests arrived entirely educated on these subjects. Some have visited other detox facilities and had pre-expectations. At New Leaf, we have developed our program since 2006. We have a very successful formula that achieves excellent results for all our guests. Being open to the program is essential to success. Ask questions too. We are very transparent about what we use and why we use it.

Many people know we own and run our detox and superfood supplement Company called Air Thai Life (named after our founder), and we use all these products in our program. All ingredients are available on request. We believe it is essential that you develop some education while you are with us, which will help you make choices in the future. Our products are available in the resort store.

4. Stay Focused During Your Detox

Many people arrive at the detox resort with the best intentions, only to be derailed by other guests directly or indirectly. Personalities can get in the way. Simply put, there might be some guests we have nothing in common with, we might find them stubborn, we might disagree with their opinions. That’s fine, but it’s essential to remember why you have come to detox.

Finding Solace
The new Maenam beach resort is on three acres of land. We purposely built several areas where guests can get ‘away’ or get ‘away from each other’. We get guests with ‘big and loud’ personalities, but you can find solace if you need it at the new New Leaf Wellness Resort.

Stay focused on your goals. Down get bogged down in personalities. It happens. We have seen some guests get so off track and go home with half the results they could have achieved. As our founder says, “A 28 day (or shorter) is a snapshot in a person’s life. However, it can set them on a life-changing path.” – Keep your eyes on the prize as they say.

5. Plan For Success – Going Home

For a lot of guests going home is a scary proposition. Will I regain all the weight? Can I keep up the great results I have from New Leaf? What can I do to stay on track? – The answer is, have a plan. The great Football player Pele summed it up in three words “Everything is Practice” Develop a schedule and stick to it. Treat it like ‘Just for today’ commit each morning when you wake up to do some exercise.

Roll out of bed and do ten push-ups and five sit-ups or whatever you can manage. Add another one-five each morning and by the end of the week, you have done a total of 11-35 of each. That’s 11-35 more than the week before. It all helps. Take the stairs where you can, maybe not ten floors unless you are up to the task however where ever possible to do a few extra steps, do them.

Five Take-Home Tips:

  1. Create a supportive environment
  2. Shop and plan ahead
  3. Find an activity – exercise
  4. Hydrate – drink more water
  5. Understand your eating triggers

'Positive Energy Attracts Positive Energy'

We love seeing guests go through amazing transformations. There is no better feeling for us at New Leaf. We want everyone who chooses to come to us to get the very best experience they can. You don’t have to do the New Leaf exercise regimen at home, be realistic and develop your environment around your goals. A staff member can help you with this. 

If you would like more information about wellness and our detox, weight loss packages please contact us or visit the wellness programs page when you are ready to make the change.

Good luck, be positive and thanks for reading.  KP – New Leaf Detox Wellness Resort Maenam beach Koh Samui, Thailand.

detox pool